Individuals, organizations and businesses can get involved in the energy ecosystem at Stanford in a number of ways. Here, you will find pathways to understanding our core energy research, engagement opportunities, professional education offerings, and other helpful resources. We invite you to engage with Stanford Energy.

Key on-campus and on-line convenings take place throughout the year that are designed to educate and connect individuals, companies, nonprofits, policy-makers and global thought leaders.

The Precourt Institute for Energy engages some of the brightest minds from throughout the university to find practical solutions to the world’s greatest energy challenges.
Energy Valley
Surrounded by Silicon Valley’s vibrant technology landscape and biotech industry, Stanford is at the heart of the region’s innovation ecosystem. In addition to being a tech and biotech hub, the Bay Area is quickly becoming the epicenter of energy innovation around the world. Over 1200 energy companies have converged in the greater Bay Area to advance their core technologies and new energy solutions.
Explore the interactive map of area energy companies.