Energy Solutions Week 2022
The inaugural Energy Solutions Week was held on Stanford's campus in May 2-6, 2022. Over 325 Stanford Energy partners - leaders from energy companies, government and academia - met for five days of Stanford Energy programming featuring batteries, storage, AI for clean energy and climate resilience, electricity grid, and the launch of Stanford's new Hydrogen Initiative.
Program & Agenda
Stanford ENERGY industry partners will meet on campus for a week to explore with us Frontiers in Energy Technology. This by-invitation program will analyze advances in energy research and development, especially in AI, decarbonization, electric grid, hydrogen, natural gas, energy storage, and sustainable finance. We will highlight pioneering research projects expected to grow into significant research areas at Stanford. Participants will also engage with dozens of industry executives and start-up founders.
We will also announce the Global Energy Heroes prize winners during the week. Three $20,000 prizes will be awarded to young people around the world who are creating sustainable energy solutions to benefit their communities.
Energy Storage
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Electricity Grid
Friday, May 6, 2022
Mayank Girdhar
Stephan Graham
Chris Graves
Kemp Gregory
Jerry Griffin
Wendy Gu
RV Guha
Thomas Heller
Matthias Ihme
Pamela Isom
Mateo Jaramillo
Tom Jaramillo
Sonia Kastner
Muhammad Aadil Khan
Anthony Kovscek
Vivas Kumar
Fang Liu
Clyde Loutan
Arun Majumdar
Arnav Mariwala
Ted McKlveen
Liang Min
Kam Moler
Franklin Orr
Kazuaki Osumi
Joe Papp
Nicolas Pinkowski